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Worksheets are only completed November 1 - March 1

​Please request Soil Worksheets only during this time period.


To be eligible to apply for an agricultural assessment, an applicant must show that the crops, livestock or livestock products produced for sale in the 2 preceding years on at least seven acres of land for which the applicant is being made had an average gross sales value of at least $10,000. Your town assessor can give you detailed information on qualifications and eligibility.


To expedite the process, contact your town assessor's office before contacting our office.


For completion of a Soils Group Worksheet, we will need the following:


  1. A photocopy of your parcel from the assessor's tax map

  2. Parcel identification number i.e. (S-B-L)

  3. Owner's name and mailing address

  4. Parcel address and township

  5. Parcel total acreage and breakdown of

          A)  Acres in agriculture and location on the parcel.

          B) Parcel address and township.

          C) Acres and location of woodland if any.


Please fill out a Soil Group Worksheet Questionnaire to send to our office for every parcel you require (or pick one up at our office).


Please call our office for an appointment any week day between 8AM and 4PM at (845) 883-7162 ext. 3. Often times, the exchange or information will allow the process to be done by mail.


There is a fee of $40 for the completion of a Soils Group Worksheet.


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