The District is available to assist municipalities, citizen's groups, agricultural operations and individuals in the planning, development and implementation of vegetative buffer systems which promote water quality, improve aesthetics and facilitate wildlife habitat.
As an example, from 2005-2018, the District along with the USDA- National Resource Conservation Service, partnered with the Village of New Paltz and it's agents to establish a 35 foot wide riparian buffer system along 1,200 feet of the Wallkill River. The proposed system was also supported by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Hudson River Estuary Program and the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee.
The Buffer Plan was created by the District and NRCS, and approved by the Village who provided funding to purchase the planting stock called for in the plan. All site layout and planting was carried out by the District and NRCS staff. Mowing and maintenance of the implemented system is being shared by the District, the Village Department of Public Works, and NRCS. To help further ensure success of the system, the District has agreed to water and assist in the maintenance of the project for two growing seasons on an as needed basis. The Village of New Paltz Department of Public Works also cordoned off the buffer area with ropes and signs.