NYS DEC ENDORSED: 4 Hour Contractors Training In Erosion and Sediment Control
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has partnered with County Soil and Water Conservation Districts across the State and the Ulster County Department of the Environment to deliver a 4 hour training course covering the principals and practices of erosion and sediment control (E&SC) on construction sites.
The DEC requires that all developers, contractors, and subcontractors identify at least one trained individual from their company that is responsible for SWPPP implementation and is on site daily when there is soil disturbance activity. This course fulfills this DEC training requirement.
DATE: To Be Determined
REGISTRATION: To Be Determined
COST: To Be Determined
LOCATION: To Be Determined
All registrations/payments must be received by: To Be Determined
Space is limited, first come, first serve.
Please make checks payable to:
ULSTER COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT. Applications are to be mailed to the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, 5 Park Lane, Highland, N.Y. 12528
You can reach our office at (845) 883-7162 ext. 3. We are open weekdays from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Phase II Regulations Assistance
Our office has a certified professional in erosion and sediment control on staff (CPESC); if you are a developer, contractor or landowner, with an impending construction project, or work within municipal government, the following information may be useful to you. As part of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has initiated “Phase II” Construction Regulations, which focus on stormwater runoff from small construction sites which disturb more than one acre of soil. Phase II requires that smaller construction sites must implement management practices to prevent polluted stormwater runoff. Listed below are some of the highlights of Phase II.
Phase II Construction Permit Guidelines
If the construction project will disturb more than one acre of soil and you are:
Building on an individual lot OR
Building in a subdivision
The site operator needs to:
Develop an erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control,
Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC),
Begin construction after the NYS DEC review period of 5 business days.
In addition, if you are:
Disturbing greater than 5 acres OR
Constructing something other than a residential building, such as an apartment complex, condominiums, commercial buildings or industrial buildings
The site operator needs to:
Develop a full Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with water quality and quantity components, in conformance with the New York State Stormwater Design Manual
Submit a Notice of Intent to the NYS DEC
Begin construction after the NYS DEC review period of 5 business days.
If the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan does not conform to the New York State Stormwater Design Manual, the site operator needs to:
Have the SWPPP certified by a licensed professional (professional engineer, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, or a licensed landscape architect).
Submit a Notice of Intent to the NYS DEC.
Begin Construction after the NYS DEC review period of 60 business days.
If the site is in a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) watershed and/or discharging into an impaired 303d water body, the site operator needs to:
Develop a full Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) with water quality and quantity components.
Have the SWPPP certified by a licensed professional (professional engineer, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, or a licensed landscape architect).
Submit a Notice of Intent to the NYS DEC.
Begin Construction after the NYS DEC review period of 60 business days.
Note: Construction site stormwater runoff control may require a Phase II MS-4 permit (Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems) if the site is within a MS-4 community (see map). In General: If you own or manage a property that a) will have construction activity greater than one acre, b) is in close proximity to an impaired waterway, c) and/or is within a MS-4 community, please contact the NYS DEC and/or visit their website at: This web page also has information regarding the Phase II stormwater regulations, SWPPP information and the permit process. As always, if you have any questions about the new Phase II regulations, please call the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District office at (845) 883-7162, extension 102.
MS-4 Stormwater Community Information
The construction industry is a critical effort in the nation's efforts to protect streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and oceans. Through the use of best management practices (BMPs), construction site operators are the key defense against erosion and sedimentation.
As stormwater flows over a construction site, it picks up pollutants like sediment, debris, and chemicals. High volumes of stormwater can also cause stream bank erosion, and destroy downstream aquatic habitat. Preventing soil erosion and sedimentation is an important responsibility at all construction sites.
In addition to the environmental impact, uncontrolled erosion can have a significant financial impact on a construction project. It cost money and time to repair gullies, replace vegetation, clean sediment clogged storm drains, replace poorly installed BMPs, and mitigate damage to other people's property and natural resources.
Click here to see a comparison of good and bad BMPs, and an explanation on how to make the practice "good".
Site Plan Review
The Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District is willing to provide assistance with the application process, including review of erosion and sediment control plans, free of charge. If you fall into the above listed thresholds, or are close, but not sure, please feel free to contact the office and/or access the NYS DEC website addresses. The Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District is a non regulatory agency who provides technical assistance to landowners, municipalities, contractors, developers and the agricultural community.
For additional information please check the following websites:
DEC Division of Water (Stormwater Web Page)