Building a pond can be quite expensive, and we offer this service so that you can know if your money is being put to good use or if you will be wasting it.
The investigation consists of an on-site visit to evaluate the topography of the site and to determine a suitable water source(s), general soils data based on the Ulster County Soil Survey Report, identifying any NYS Protected Freshwater Wetland and/or classified streams on or near the proposed pond site, and a written report of the determination.
Call our office at (845) 883-7162 ext. 3 any weekday between 8AM and 4:30PM for a simple request form. There is a fee of $100 for investigation. When submitting your request, a $25 deposit is paid at that time. When we visit your property to investigate, the balance of $75 is due. Should the site prove favorable for a pond, we will recommend that deep test holes be dug to determine if the substratum is suitable for a pond. With advanced notice, we will evaluate the test holes while they are being dug.